Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top 5 The standards

Top 5: The “standards” from the RatPack with Jaime Foxx

How can someone who’s number one hit is “Blame it on the alcohol” mentor the Idols on the best of Dean, Frank and Sammy? Clearly, another cheap attempt by FOX to get ratings (oh yeah Jamie has a movie coming out). If I had known this before my 24 hour “LIL boycott”..I would still be on IDOL strike.

Kris – “The way you look tonight” Before the performance JF said we would be blown away (and not even know it). This “ain’t my genre” I thought it was country but it’s this one. (yawn). The song seemed long. The judges loved it – Simon compare him to a wet dog. I didn’t get it so -I will pass.

Allison – “Someone to watch over me” – Lil who? OMG, yes, yes yes..I am now awake. This kid blew it out the box and proved she should be in the top 5. Effortless. I won’t be mad if she won. If I had watched live /I would have voted. This is my favorite performance by Allison from the whole season. Ally Ally Ally..I may even buy the song for the autograph photo. She won me over…and the winner of American Idol SHOULD be……! (Eventhough!! Simon has moved his anti Lil critique on to Allison).

Matt – “My funny valentine” Leave it to IDOL to awaken my inner old man. I love this song and (may) have sang this in my past life. Matt started out very very weak on this number but the second half was OUTSTANDING. Goosebumps. I have 2 favorites tonight. Simon brought Matt to tears..with praise. Woot Woot. I have to check my notes..was Matt one of my early favorites?

Danny – “Come rain or come shine” Good performance but ..he is OVERRATED but his performance was better then Kris. I will repeat what I told a friend last week. Ya’ll like Danny on the IDOL show but “dude ain’t gonna sell any cds….Taylor Hicks” …make that vote count but for someone else.

Adam – “Feelin good” First, Ryan loaned out his prop staircase Adam. The dramatic entrance, the shiny white suit, stripper music and attitude…what more can I say. Adam does what he wants and enjoying his 15 minutes. I may need to watch this again before I push save. (okay I watched it 3 more times..DIV”O” wants votes) It’s a new life for Adam..he is gonna take this thing.

Favorite vocals: Allison & Matt
Favorite performance: Adam
Worst performance: Kris
Going home - (sadly) Matt

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Idol top 7 part 2 : DISCO

With the judges save being used last week..Disco will send two finalist packing.

Lil – (I’m every woman - Chaka) The best thing about Lil’s performance is thatshe did not sound like Chaka or Whitney. 20 points for the hair because you know DJRR loves a good weave. Maybe we expected too much from Lil – she never claimed to be Jennifer Hudson or Fantasia( that’s something the judges wanted) , with that said I enjoyed her performance, and will be calling and casting my vote for the first time this season. Lil has been getting the judges shaft all season. Not saying she was the best…..but!

Kris – ( She works hard for the money – Donna) (PAUSE) Kris is holding a guitar for a DISCO number..this should be funneeee! (Press Play) Hmm, I might buy that for a dollar. Creative – I may have to give it up to ole Kris. Slowing down some Donna Summer to an acoustic jam was ….very good. I may have to ignore his lady pants.

Danny - (September – EWF) Pulease, Danny got praises for doing the EXACT same thing that Lil did. Double standard. Aint on the Danny train.

Allison – (Hot Stuff – Donna) Oh, her rawked (yes I meant to spell it that way) version of Hot stuff was definitely different. Not sure I liked it but a good performance. Loved the opening..loved the ending.

Adam – (If I can’t have you) Nope! What was that..okay the David Cook school of slowing down uptempo songs is dismissed. Did not like that but again, Adam did what Adam wanted to do. The judge’s spin machine was in full effect – it wasn’t THAT good. Kris was better than this.

Matt (Stayin Alive – Bee Gees) A good job but not enough to keep from going home tomorrow.

Anoop (Dim all the lights) Whassup with Anoop’s face? 3 snaps and a twist for the pink vest – minus for the wax job on the eyebrows (was that over the top?) He did a decent job…no a good job.

My favorite of the night has to be Kris and Anoop (both singing Donna Summer)

Not my personal choices but (maybe) going home Lil and Matt
Should …be going home Matt and ….Danny! (I said it).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Idol top 7: Songs from the movies

Idol Top 7: Music from the movies:

This week's theme for the top 7 Idol finalist is music from the movies.
Yet again Idol and Fox show hypocrisy by having Quentin Tarantino as a guest mentor. Yes, Quent is a good director and a bonified Idol maniac. My problem is with the constant excuse of perfecting the innocence of the Idol brand over the years – why are they promoting a man who’s movies can’t be watched by most of the viewers of American Idol and don’t want to be watched by most of the rest?

Allison (“I don’t wanna miss a thing” from the 1998 film Armageddon) This is truly one of my favorite Aerosmith songs ever . Ally didn’t make me forget the original but she did a good job. Simon adding that she is the only hope for the girls was just salt in the wound since Simon has been predicting the winner would be a dude since the pre show promos.

(Ooh Katie Couric in the audience) Since the show was bombarded by complaints that the show ran over last week abeit tivo and DVR recorders. Especially cutting of the perceived winner Adam – the judges chat was supposed to be condensed. Instead of all four judges battling for sound bites we just got 2 at a time.

Anoop (“Everything I do”by Bryan Adams) from 1991 flix. Robin Hood. Wow Anoop brought back the power ballad but he also brought back …the boys to men jacket/tie college frat boy combo. Dude. Anoop wisely chose not to follow Quent’s tips to turn this into a gritty R&B growl( you go Anoop) I have to deduct points for the fashion but I will be adding this version to the IPOD.

Adam (“Born to be wild”from Easy Rider) Alrighty then – this performance screamed gay Elvis on acid. Again, Adam does what the hell he wants and dared again to enjoy his 15 minutes. This is the performance everyone will be talking about this season. Adam is by far the star of the season.

Matt (“Have really ever loved a woman”) Didn’t know the song of the movie..that may have led to me being BORED! Bad song choice Scott..oops I meant Matt. Geez can he stay consistent? Justin Timberfake can rest easy. Even the audience didn’t argue when Kara and Randy blew him off -- Bottom 2.

Danny, Danny Danny – I had written off Danny weeks ago for being this season’s David Archuletta. Annoying! The glasses, the drama with the ring, the presumption that he is top 2..blah blah blah. Danny got my attention –THE ONLY WAY HE COULD. (Endless Love by Lionel Richie and the one and only DIANA ROSS) Let me pause this and see if I am wow’d (PAUSE)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Although, over the years I have hear many many artist screw up this song that most people know as a duet and try to perform it as a solo for that I give him a B.
Oh I get it..the wedding ring is back for dramatic effect because he was singing a love song for his wife. (gotcha..) Nope. Not wow’d.

Kris (Falling Slowly from the movie Once) I spent Kris’s performance, 1) rewinding the tape back to get the name of the song, then 2)goggling to get confirmation. Eeh! I guess it was okay, better then Matt’s ballad, better then Danny’s….!

Lil ( The Rose by Bette Midler) Damn, now Whitney, No Dreamgirls, no Diana, no Celine, Streisand…I sound just like the judges. There were so so many power diva songs Lil could have chosen. Kudos for Lil, Lil has taken an unusual wrath from the judges for weeks. They want to change Lil but don’t chastise Adam. Lil did the song her way, wasn’t her best – was better than last week and if she leaves this week – I wouldn’t be terribly sad. That was a tough song.

No clear super favorite this week but Annop gets my top performance

Bottom three for me Matt, Kris & Danny

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Top 8

American Idol 8 Top 8

This week’s theme is “ Songs from the year they were born”. Could have been called 80’s week.

Danny – (Stand by me) I am off the Danny train. The hype is over for me. Danny is not going to win against Adam so stop faking the funk. This performance was just okay for me. Not a fan.

Kris – (All she wants to do is dance) Kris was stellar last week but this week not so much. I am not a fan of this performing in the moshpit. Another okay performance – not sure that was a good song choice but just okay.

Lil – (What’s love got to do with it) When I first saw this I thought the judges were unusually harsh on Lil yet again. After a second watch – and a few conversations, I have to agree Lil was channeling Tina, with the short skirt and Tina walk. That said she did a good job but she is spending too much time worrying about what the judges think.

Anoop – (True Colors) Only Anoop could sing this song sporting a lime green Boys to Men sweater. I aint mad at dude for staying true to his goal of a R&B soulster. It was good – we have forgotten all about Beat it.

Scott – (Search is over) Besides sticking to my claim the man can see. I have nothing else to say. Especially since I am typing this after knowing Scott is outtie. Scott had a great ride this season- not sure how much was talent but kudos for making it to the top 8.

Allison – (Can’t make you love me) She is good and could easily slip past one of the dudes to make the top 2.

Matt – (Parttime love) I thought Mini JT was good but not as great as the judges said. I have no idea what last week was about but he is forgiven. Matt will be getting my favorite of the week.

Adam- (Mad world) Simon gave it a standing ovation. Adam will win this season because he is going to sing his song, the way he wants. He is enjoying his world stage and knows he doesn’t have to win this show to become a star.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Flashback: OMG...this was too too funnyyyyyyyy!

I am finally catching up to the current episodes and caught this...OMG! Nick/Norman
I couldn't be mad. I rewinded this thing 8 times...yes I said 8..and then foung the You tube version for posting.
I have never laughed this much whatching IDOL: William Hung was close but Willie aint make top 36.
I must watch tis one last time...

This week's 105 Award....

Each week I will announce the winners of the "DJ Robbie Rob" 105 awards. That is how much ITunes charges for there exclusive downloads. This week I will spend $1.05 each on Adam and Kris!