Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last word on "Diamond" night.

When the show began, Ryan announced that they were going to cram as much as they could into the one hour show. The show seemed rushed and un organized and it was a bit unnerving ..at first. That's when I realized, the IDOL Gods have finally answered my prayers. Due to the IDOLS singing's two performances, the judge's responses (the waste that is ) were condensed. Yes!
I am not a huge Neil Diamond fan but I have a few songs commited to memory and "America" is one of my top songs of all time. I couldn't wait for DC to make it his own but lil Archie took it and pissed it away.
Paula showed the world once again that her sippy cup is filled with crazy koolaid. Since the show was in condensed form - the judges did a lightning round of reviews AFTER all 5 performed the first time. Poor Paula gave Jason indept critiques on his first AND second song ..even though..he only sang one...Sweet!
The review after the article and my next prayer to the IDOL Gods.

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